‘Gotham’: A Dark Place with a lot of Potential

gothamHow many good people are in Gotham? A hand full? Or are there many, but they are just too afraid to stand up for what is right? It just doesn’t seem like there are that many good people left. Gordon is fighting a losing battle. Every time he fights for what’s right, there is a skewed version of what’s right. I’m not sure if Gotham was a scarier place before Batman or after.

I was a fan of the films and it seems like the Gotham with Batman is a lot better, even with all of the villains. The Gotham in the new series has no soul. Criminals are plotting to be the number one and even the so called good guys have lost sight of what the right thing is. Why do people even stay in Gotham?

Now that we have been introduced to the city, the show seems a little like a crime fighting show, but very, very dark.

The penguin was taught how to be brutal by Fish and he’s got nothing but ridicule. Now he’s learning to be his own man. And the man he is becoming is very scary. He didn’t plan his route to the villain he will be, he’s making it up as he goes along.

This may be a prequel to a superhero genre, but it’s nothing like a superhero show. There is no masked man coming to save everyone, not yet that is. Bruce is becoming the man he needs to be to protect his city. But I never imagined that Gordon would have something to do with the man he becomes. I guess it makes sense though. Who else does he have to look up to? Who else is trying to do anything to save the city?

Gordon has an extreme up hill battle, but the new show has a lot of potential.

Next week Gordon continues his fight:

Revenge Season 4 Premiere

revenge-season-4-poster-tagline-victoria-emilyWhen ‘Revenge’ first premiered, I was addicted to this new show, but I was wondering how far they could take a show about revenge. It seemed almost better for a mini series or short lived show. I mean how long could Emily take to get her revenge and what would happen after? Would that be the end of the show?

Sunday night’s premiere proved that after Emily’s success there is still more to the show, but it’s a very different series now. Victoria is now seeking revenge and it looks like Daniel and Margaux are seeking revenge too. Then Jack and Emily are trying to clean up the messes Emily made and move on. And Nolan is being the best friend like always, trying to look out for Emily.

Emily doesn’t know how to move on. She’s been playing Emily Thorn for so long she doesn’t know anything else. But why stay in the Hamptons and why buy the Grayson Manor? Charlotte may be a good enough answer to the first question, but not the second.

I’m really curious how the writers are going write David’s character. He’s back from the dead and he’s seeking his own revenge. But why now? Is he even going to go see his daughter? Does he know that Emily is his daughter? I think a lot of fans were hoping to see their interaction in the first episode, me included. But I did kind of think this wouldn’t be in the premiere. This is a very anticipated moment, the writers will want to make us wait. We had to wait till the end of the episode for Emily and Victoria’s first face-to-face encounter. Which was amazing.

Emily just wanted Conrad and Victoria to pay for what they did to her father and then what Victoria did to Aiden. Victoria is much more vindictive than that and to be fair, I would say they are almost even now. If anything Victoria got off easy. It wasn’t Emily’s fault for Pascal dying, Victoria should have never killed Aiden. But they have both been in mental hospitals now. I’m very interested to see what Victoria’s first move will be.

Check out the preview for next week. Charlotte will learn the truth and David will come face-to-face with the woman who betrayed him all those years ago:

‘Madam Secretary’ is just getting started

RA_MADAMSEC_NEWSWhat attracted me to this show was there was going to be a woman in a position of power. There aren’t that many roles out there for actresses to take that they can be the one in power. On TV there seems to be a lot more than film though. But not everyone likes the idea of a woman in power and Elizabeth McCord is having a hard time doing her job. Not because she’s not good at it, but because the people around her are making it hard. I don’t know whether it’s because she’s a woman or because they just don’t like her. Her ideas are shot down left and right and when she does succeed, she’s considered lucky.

I’m enjoying how the writers are taking us into this story. There’s this big conspiracy hanging over their heads and they are just weaving it in and out of the episode. Right now it’s getting to know the Elizabeth’s family and the players. It’s hard to tell who is in on the conspiracy and who isn’t. But we don’t have much details on the conspiracy yet.  While we are learning about it, everyday life continues to go on. Elizabeth does her job and it’s a really stressful job. Then she has three kids as well. It’s great that this series is showing that women really can have it all.

I like the character development of Elizabeth’s family, but the rest of the cast is a little weak. You can tell that they will play a role, but we can’t figure out who they are yet. Or maybe that is the plan, but I would really like to get a reading on these characters.

Check out the preview for next week. Elizabeth is facing a really big challenge in her new job:

The Originals Season 1 Refresh

tumblr_nc2hg0enW31rjjkjjo1_500In the first season of ‘The Originals’ Klaus found out he was going to be a dad. Hayley and Klaus had one fun night and now they were going to be parents to very powerful baby. A baby that a lot people wanted dead. Hayley, Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah spent the season trying to protected the child before she was even born. Hayley died giving birth to her daughter and came back has a hybrid and continued to protect her child. But when it came clear that New Orleans was no place for their daughter, Klaus and Hayley decided to fake their daughters death and send her away to the only person they knew could keep her safe, Rebekah.

Marcel helped out with the plan. He made the werewolves think that Klaus believed they killed his baby. He agreed to erase the knowledge of the child being alive from his memory to keep her safe. He protected Hayley as well. He’s the one who adopted her to keep her from harms way.

While Marcel was gathering his army against Klaus, Cami discovered that the Correa family wasn’t who they said they were. They were the ancient Gurrera werewolf pack. And they had their own plan to gain control of the Quarter. Klaus made this even easier for them when he went to them for help getting the stones for his plan. Chaos ensued when the Gurrera clan activated their curse and started biting the vampires. There was a catch that Klaus wasn’t aware of when he got Genevieve to do the spell. She needed a werewolves that didn’t’ turn on a full moon because the spell took his power from that werewolf. Klaus became weak, while the other wolves were able to be powerful, but not turn. This is probably the only thing that saved Marcel. They were in a fight to the death as the spell started to work.

While all this is going on, Davina Michael back to kill Klaus, but she’s in control. She’s only going to set him loose when she is ready. But Michael wasn’t the only one to come back. Esther and Finn also came back.

The Originals returns Monday, October 6 8|9c. Hayley is dealing with transition into a hybrid and everyone else wants a piece of New Orleans:

Grey’s Anatomy Season 11 Premiere

10649784_10154699956245647_1131909485054450708_nI’ve been one of those people saying that ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ should be wrapping-up. I love the show, but I believe it should end before it’s gone on too long. But with this season 11 premiere, Shonda Rhimes proves there’s still life in the series.

I didn’t know what ‘Grey’s’ could look like after Cristina left. I wasn’t if sure if I believed there should be a ‘Grey’s after she left. Don’t get me wrong there are a lot of characters that I love on the show and I am very happy to have Amelia back. I loved her in ‘Private Practice’. But each character is a piece of the show and you take one away and it’s no longer whole. While Cristina’s absence is definitely felt, there was a lot of really great moments in the episode.

I really hope that Alex is going to be Meredith’s person now. I just loved that moment when Alex was telling her that Cristina left him her shares and “you”. I really don’t think Jo should worry too much about it. It was funny her freaking out, but Meredith and Alex have grown up as surgeons together. There is a bond there and it’s nothing for Jo to worry about. I mean Meredith did help them be together after the no dating rule was made. But watching Meredith kick Jo out of bed in the middle of the night was great.

All Meredith ever wanted was for Derek to choose her and now that he does she reacted weirdly. I get it. She’s probably afraid of him resenting her now. But he might not. He made this decision on his own and never felt pressured to do so. I’ve loved the Meredith and Derek story, but to keep the plot moving forward, it’s probably good to put a wedge between them. I really want the show to end or the characters to depart happily ever after. But some of the best Meredith and Derek moments is when they’ve struggled. It’s makes for a great love story.

I’m not sure how I feel about Meredith having a sister and Maggie being Richard’s daughter. While it’s not all too hard to believe, especially Ellis giving up the child, it feels like a desperate attempt to add drama to the show and keep it going. ‘Brother’s and Sisters’ kept trying to add more family secrets to keep surviving, but there just came a point where they had taken the storyline too far and that’s exactly what I don’t want to see happen with ‘Grey’s Anatomy’.  I’m enjoying the rest of the story lines, just not this one.

Check out the preview for next week. Sisters will battle it out:

Bones Season 10 Premiere

2014-09-12_1520-pngThis is the biggest case the squints have ever worked on and they are trying to do it while under the radar and through proper channels. Those proper channels just got Sweets killed.

He wanted to help Booth out and he gave his life for him. I don’t know if Booth is ever going to forgive himself. He will probably blame Sweet’s death on himself for a very long time, if not the rest of his life. I think all of the squints will shoulder a lot of guilt over this one. It will also be the hardest body they’ve ever had to examine.

‘Bones’ has been very mixed over the last couple of seasons. Last season things got a lot better. The chemistry between the characters had lost it’s luster, since there was no more sexual tension and the will they or won’t they was gone. But the writers finally found a way to make the series work again. Now they have created a huge case that almost killed Booth and now has killed Sweets.

Sweets was very sad and not like himself through the whole episode. He was clearly worried about Booth and for good reason. Booth is not himself. He was framed for murder and thrown into jail. That’s not something you get over quickly.

If the writers think that this new agent is going to take Sweet’s place, no one can take his place. Why was this new guy being so helpful? If he is really genuine, then fine, he’s alright, but no Sweets. We can’t be mad at the writers for this tragic death though. Turns out the actor who plays Sweets, John Francis Daly is going to be directing the remake of ‘National Lampoons’ Vacation’. While I’m thrilled for the actor, I’m very sad that one of my favorite characters is gone.

Check out the preview for next week when we say good by to Sweets:

Nashville Season 3 Premiere

Nashville-Poster1Last season Rayna was left with the choice to marry Luke or Deacon. This was not an easy decision. The love of her life or the love of her present? When it came down to it, I thought she should choose Deacon. I wanted her to choose Deacon. She’s waited all this time for him to be the man she could share her life with and he’s finally that man.

While I was disappointed she chose Luke, I’m not entirely surprised. You can’t have the beloved couple get together too early in a series and if you do, you have to break them up. And who knows, maybe there is no plan to get these two together at all. I think the fans would be very disappointed if there was no possibility of Rayna and Deacon finally getting together though.

Rayna made her decision, but right after she put on Deacon’s ring. She seemed happy with her decision and then a wave of doubt appeared to wash over her. Even if she’s not ready to be with Deacon, she can’t marry Luke if there is any doubt.

I’m so happy that Scarlett isn’t leaving. I was so worried last season when she said she was going back to school. She doesn’t have to be a singer, but I think she should still be a songwriter. Some people are made to perform and others are made to write. maybe performing isn’t her thing, but she’s such a talented song writer.

Was Juliette’s pregnancy planned in the show or was it written in after Hayden Panettiere became pregnant? And the bigger question, is it Jeff’s or Avery’s? This probably put the writers in a tough spot. They had to decide who the baby’s father was going to be and where to take the storyline. Not that if the baby is Avery’s, they have to end up together. But if the baby turns out to be Jeff’s, I don’t think Avery will ever forgive her. The writers will probably leave us hanging for a while on this one.

I have to give a lot of credit to Teddy in this episode. He hates Deacon, yet he’s pretending to be okay with him for Maddie. Maddie is going to have a tough time with her mom marrying Luke and while I’m sure Teddy is happy Rayna didn’t choose Deacon, his daughter is stuck in the middle. Teddy has been a prominent character since the beginning, but lately his role has just been in the middle of Maddie and Deacon. Is there more for his storyline?

Layla and Will have learned the hard way why you shouldn’t do a reality show. When you open up your home to cameras, you have no privacy. His secret his hanging by a thread. Can Layla and Will play house for a little bit longer to keep his secret quiet? I didn’t like how that producer spoke to them, but she got one thing right, Layla is naive. Not because she didn’t know her husband was gay, he hid that pretty well. But because she got swept away with a publicity romance and married him. Even if Will wasn’t gay, the relationship had little hope of surviving. She’s so young and has a lot to learn about the world.

The live performances were great. A lot of the performances on ‘Nashville’ are very glammed-up. Well of course those are from Rayna and Juliette, but these were very bare bones and the actors were great. I especially liked Deacon’s performance. I felt like he was singing to Rayna, even if she wasn’t listening. Teddy clearly knew who the song was about and wasn’t happy. Even if the song will have no affect on Rayna, I still think it’s great that he wrote it and sang it. This is how great songs are made. Not by the outcome of the song, but of the emotions that made the song.

Chicago PD Season 2 Premiere

Chicago-PDVoight has come clean with his team. He told them he got his job back because of a deal with Internal Affairs. He puts himself out there as dirty to bring down the bad guys. But just how clean is he? He’s got a stash of money in a safe, that I can only assume he got off the streets. It’s all great that he’s used that money to help people, but it’s still dirty money and it still looks bad.

Season two didn’t take very long to heat up. There was a fire fight at the very beginning and things in Chicago are looking more dangerous than ever. Jay has a $100,000 bounty on his head, all because he was doing his job. He killed a bad guy’s brother and now his life is in jeopardy. I knew by the look in the bad guy’s eyes that he wanted Jay dead, but I never thought a bounty would be on his life.

Erin is having a rocky start to the new season. Her mother keeps calling. We know very little about her mother, just that her parents split and she got pretty messed up. Is this another figure from her past that weakens her? Voight also betrayed her trust. She has so much loyalty and trust in Voight and I’m sure there’s so much about him that she wouldn’t like.

I’m not sure how I feel about Burgess and Ruzek having a secret affair. They make a very cute couple, but this is putting in jeopardy everything she’s worked for. A few stolen kisses lost her the spot on Intelligence, what does she think a whole relationship will do?

I like Burgess’ new partner so far. He knows his stuff and I want to say he was honest about his old female partner. With cops on this show though, you never know if they are telling the truth, especially if you don’ know them. Burgess needs to be with a good cop to help her get her spot on Intelligence, but it looks like she may have more competition for the next available spot.

No mention of Antonio’s MIA family, but that kiss from his informant, makes me wonder what he’s been up to since we last left him.

It looks like season two is just heating up. Check out the preview for next week:


The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Refresh

the-vampire-diaries-season-6Last season the Travelers took over Mystic Falls by becoming passengers in the residents. The witches had made it impossible for them to call any place a home. They were gathering to make Mystic Falls their home and get rid of all witch magic, meaning the supernatural residents of Mystic Falls would all die.

If that wasn’t a big enough problem for them to deal with, the other side was also falling a part.

Elena and Stefan were kidnapped for their doppelganger blood for the spell to rid the world of witch magic. One of the Travelers helped them to escape but it was too late, enough blood had already been drained for the spell. Then Liv and Luke tried to kill Stefan and Elena to stop the spell. The Traveler who helped them was killed in the process. The only thing that saved them was the spell that took away the witches’ magic.

All hope was not lost. Bonnie found a way to get them back from the other side and the Traveler that helped Elena and Stefan knew the spell to do it. But before they were able to put their plan into motion, she was swept up into oblivion.

The gang had met at Whitmore College and Julian, who was in Tyler’s body, asked them where his wife had gone. Caroline and Stefan had to tell him that she was dead. Julian was so mad and he wanted someone to pay. Caroline tried to snap his neck to calm him down, but was too slow and Stefan jumped in. Julian ripped Stefan’s heart out, saying there doppelganger dead, spell stopped. Caroline was so distraught yelling for someone to help.

Enzo was able to find another person on the other side to help them escape, Silas. Silas taught Bonnie the spell and then they got really lucky, Silas got blown away to oblivion, so he wouldn’t be coming back to the living.

It wasn’t as easy for Elena and Caroline to get a witch on board. Luke and Liv refused to help. So Caroline killed Luke, making Liv have to help them so she could get her brother back.

When Damon told Elena he was going to be the one to set off the explosion to kill the Travelers for the spell, she did not like it. She chose to join Damon on his suicide mission, but they thought they would both be coming back.

Everything was going well. One by one everyone was coming back. Lexi had her chance to go through, but she wouldn’t pass through before Damon, so her best friend could get his brother back. Markos came to pass through Bonnie, but Lexi wouldn’t let that happen. Alaric and Damon finally made it and Alaric went through, but Luke had stopped the spell before Damon could get through.

Everyone had thought that with this spell, Bonnie would be free of being the anchor, but she didn’t have a plan for herself. Jeremy was devastated and came as quick as he could to say goodbye. We are left with the other side falling apart with Bonnie and Damon together.

Elena was a mess losing Damon, but Damon was at peace. He said he peeked. That being loved by her was the best it was ever going to get.

Season six may have another relationship blooming. Lexi thinks there is something going on between Caroline and Stefan. They sure have gotten close recently. Could there be something there?

On Thursday, October 2 at 8|7c ‘TVD’ will return and we will get to see the aftermath of losing Bonnie and Damon. Are they gone for good?

Here’s a look at the promo for season six:

The Story of ‘Gotham’ Begins

gothamWe all know the story of Batman, whether it’s from the films or the comics, but Monday night we got to see a different part of the Batman story, but it’s not really the Batman story. You can call it the story of the corrupt city, Gotham, or the story of young Jim Gordon. The two main characters from the pilot episode were definitely, Gordon and Gotham.

The story is the beginning of Gordon’s detective years and the rise of the villains that Batman will face in the future. It’s also the story of what made Batman, but it is yet to be seen how much that will factor into the storyline. The very beginning of the episode showed Bruce Wayne’s parents murdered and we know this is what haunts Bruce and creates Batman.

It was a descent enough intro to the show. Gotham is a very scary place and Gordon is determined to make it a better place, but we really knew all this. Was I hooked? Sure, but I like the Batman story and I like Gordon in the films and I liked Ben McKenzie’s portrayal of Gordon in the episode. So while it didn’t give me much I didn’t know already, I’m still looking forward to episode two.

For most of the episode Gordon’s partner, Harvey Bullock (Donal Logue), seemed like just another corrupt cop, but there is definitely more to this detective than meets the eye.

I loved Jada Pinkett Smith as Fish Mooney. She’s going to be a villain I enjoy watching.

The previews promised to introduce the iconic villains of Batman and I enjoyed the introduction of the Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor). He’s already thinking ahead, but his rise to be the top villain in Gotham is side tracked.

It was a good start to the new series and I’m looking forward to watching the first season unfold.

Take a look at the preview for next week: