The Top 5 Thanksgiving Episodes

It’s time to give thanks, eat a lot of food and pumpkin pie, and spend time with family and friends. If you need a little help getting in the spirit of the day, I have listed the best Thanksgiving episodes. There’s drama, family secrets and a lot of dinners gone wrong. It will get you in the mood for the holiday and make your life seem a lot more simple. So laugh, cry and cringe at these Turkey day themed episodes.

5. ‘Gossip Girl’, The Treasure of Serena Madre, Season 3 Episode 11

There’s always a scandal on the UES and secrets are always coming out on Thanksgiving. On Blair’s favorite holiday in season three there was a lot of secrets and many of them came flooding out at dinner. ‘Gossip Girl’ has many Thanksgiving episodes, but this one is probably the most festive of them all. Through all the scandals and secrets, friends and family still came together for a good old fashion Thanksgiving dinner.


4. ‘Dawson’s Creek’, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, Season 3 Episode 8

This is ‘Dawson’s Creek”s only Thanksgiving episode. Everyone came to dinner, including Jen’s mom. There are few episodes when everyone is together it’s great when they are. A lot of people go through hard times during the holidays. Joey is missing her mom, Dawson is finding out his parent’s divorce is final and Pacey and Andie are trying to figure out how to be around each other. Through everything they have each other. If you want to get in the holiday mood, you can watch the entire episode on YouTube:


3. ‘Grey’s Anatomy’, Thanks for the Memories, Season 2 Episode 9

I’m surprised ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ didn’t do many holiday themed episodes after this one. It was so much fun. Izzy tried to cook an entire Thanksgiving dinner, but everyone left her stranded. Burke came to the rescue and Cristina ran to the hospital, where Meredith had already ran off to. Meredith and Derek were both trying to run away from their heartache and ended up working on a patient together. George was kidnapped by his brother and father to go turkey hunting, till one of his brothers shot his father in the butt. George got the honor of taking the bullet out. Sounds like a typical Thanksgiving day? Maybe not. But at least you can get some tips from Burke to cook your turkey:


2. ‘One Tree Hill’, Between Raising Hell and Amazing Grace, Season 8 Episode 9

Haley made way too much food, because she knew people would show up. And everyone did show up. Skills was so proud of his farm fresh turkey, but it arrived a little fresher than he expected. Victoria got out of prison just in time to spend the holiday with Brooke, not that Brooke wanted anything to do with her. Alex and Mia showed up at the same time and fought over Chase all day. Brooke tried to be domestic by cooking for Julian and his mother, but she really should stick to designing clothes:


1. ‘Gilmore Girls’, A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving, Season 3 Episode 9

This is the best Thanksgiving themed episode ever, well for dramas anyways. It ties with ‘Friends’ for best over all. Leave it to the ‘Gilmore Girls’ to do a great holiday themed episode. These girls are champion eaters and on turkey day they proved it with four Thanksgiving dinners. The first at the Kim’s, the second at Sookie’s, the third at Luke’s and the fourth at the grandparent’s. Most of the day was pretty typical. Mrs. Kim serving her tofurkey and watching Lorelei so she would eat every last piece. And yet another fight at the grandparents. But the craziest of all the dinners was at Sookie’s. Where Jackson decided to deep fry the turkey:


Happy Thanksgiving! 

Supernatural Season 10 Episode 7

The King of Hell's mother has arrived!

The King of Hell’s mother has arrived!

When the witch was introduced I thought she was going to be the next big enemy. I never expected her to be Crowley’s mother! Why doesn’t it surprise me that his mother is a witch? But how did she survive this long? I realize she’s a powerful witch, but that’s a long time to keep yourself alive.

When does Dean have time for online dating? Oh wait he went out of his way just to get laid, so it’s not really dating. I would have loved to hear Sam say I told you so. The girl was too good to be true but who knew she would end up being a hooker and she was taking men’s souls. Well her pimp was. Sam and Dean don’t even have to go searching for cases, the cases find them. That’s two weeks in a row now.

This episode started out very differently than it finished. It started with steak and Dean thinking he was going to get laid. Then turned into a normal case and then they found a powerful witch. Then after all of that, Cole came back to kill Dean. I wonder if that’s the last we’ll see of him. I do think Dean was telling him the truth though. I mean how can you be okay after all Dean’s been through. He is past saving. There is no happily ever after for him. He has a hunter’s life. He will die on the job. But that doesn’t mean Sam’s going to stop trying to save Dean.

Cas is running solo yet again. Hannah came up with this great story to let her vessel’s husband move on, but she couldn’t take the guilt. She gave up the mission and went back to heaven. She was never meant for the human world. I know that Cas is constantly saying he’s not a leader, but he is. He understands the humans. He’s not the perfect communicator with humans, but he’s learned a lot from Sam and Dean. Will he let his vessel go too? But his vessel died. The only reason Jimmy is still alive is because Cas took over his body and that body has been through a lot. Jimmy is gone.

Next week Sherif Mills is back. Check out the preview:

Gotham Season 1 Episode 10

After an exciting adventure, Bruce is back to investigating his parents' death.

After an exciting adventure, Bruce is back to investigating his parents’ death.

Apparently Gordon had to fall to a security guard before he would rise to Commissioner. But the extreme demotion isn’t getting Gordon down. He’s still dedicated to making Gotham a better place. Just how does he pull himself back up again? The Mayor has been waiting for the right moment to get Gordon back for trying to take him down. The only way to get along in Gotham is to play the corrupt game.

This is probably the most excitement Bruce has ever had. He’s never really been out in the real world. This is probably good training for becoming Batman. He saved Cat’s life and he got his first kiss. I will miss seeing Cat and Bruce together. They had such good chemistry.

There was very little of Oswald in this episode. Which was really a shame, but what little time he was on the screen he was manipulating his way to the top. Fish thinks she’s going to over throw Falcone, but Oswald has a better chance of beating him.

So what’s next? Fish is about to make a major move on Falcone, Oswald is waiting for the right moment to tell Falcone who the mole is, Bullock is without his partner and Gordon is at Arkham. Things are very chaotic in Gotham at the moment, but I guess they always are.

There will be no more new episodes till January, but when ‘Gotham’ returns the Penguin will rise. Take a look at the promo:

The Originals Season 2 Episode 8

Rebekah is back!

Rebekah is back!

How will they protect Hope from Ester? I think it might be time to let some people in on the secret. The more people they have protecting Hope the better chances they have. Marcel will certainly protect Hope and I believe Kol will too. The writers can’t let Hope die, so I’m guessing that means Dahlia will be making an appearance. We’ll have a new enemy soon.

Will Rebekah still want to take her mother’s deal when she find out her first born child will die? She has to stay a vampire to protect Hope. Would she even take Cami’s body?

Hayley can’t marry Jackson, she’s supposed to be with Elijah. It’s not fair that he’s still suffering from what his mother did. Elijah should have a chance to fight to Hayley. Elijah hardly ever kills people, threatens yes, but not kill. His mother has actually turned him into a killer. Finn must be really manipulated by her to be so loyal.

Where is Michael through all of this? Is he waiting to attack?  He just disappeared. I would have thought he’d be coming back to kill Klaus.

‘The Originals’ will be back December 8 with the midseason finale. Hayley will be reunited with her baby, Ester and Michael reunite and Michael is determined to kill Klaus. Check out the preview:

‘State of Affairs’ Has a lot of Secrets

Her secrets are coming back to haunt her.

Her secrets are coming back to haunt her.

Who can Charlie trust? That is the big question of ‘State of Affairs’. And what does she not remember? What does she not want to remember?

She is on the hunt for answers, but while she’s searching, someone wants to expose her. Charlie has to figure out who’s playing with her while finding national security threats and briefing the President, who just so happens to be her dead fiance’s mother.

On the second episode of ‘Sate of Affairs’ the audience gets to learn a little bit more about Charlie. She’s got a hard shell, but she’s really vulnerable and on the brink of breaking.

There’s some shake-ups going on in the CIA. Do they have anything to with what happened the night Charlie’s fiance was killed?

Charlie hasn’t even told Potus what she does know. She wants to figure out all of the pieces first.

The mystery of what happened the night her fiance died is intriguing, but what about the rest of the show? There are so many CIA/political  shows out there: ‘Homeland’, ‘Covert Affairs’, ‘Scandal’ and the new ‘Madam Secretary’.

Each show started with it’s own secrets. That’s the biggest thing that sets these shows apart and the strong female characters that star in them. The storyline is important, but strong characters are even more important. And Katherine Heigl is making Charlie one of those strong characters.

Next week Charlie has to save the lives of young girls, but it won’t be easy. Check out the preview:

Madam Secretary Season 1 Episode 10

Elizabeth finds more allies in her investigation into Marsh's suspicious death.

Elizabeth finds more allies in her investigation into Marsh’s suspicious death.

A lock-in revealed secrets, divided lines and made some progress.

I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise that Elizabeth’s CIA work is coming up. She’s working with a lot of different countries to promote change and help actual change. It doesn’t surprise me that someone recognized her from her work. She handled it so dignified though. Yet another reason to like Elizabeth.

Now it all makes sense why she left the CIA. She’s so knowledge about the people and the countries, I wondered why she left the CIA behind. Now I understand.

I like how the writers are weaving in some of her CIA time. It’s a lot of what makes her who she is, what made the President choose her for Secretary of State and backstory to help figure out what happened to Marsh.

I’m not sure why Elizabeth chose to to tell Stevie what she had done. I get she was threatened with the first person finding out being her daughter, but she was so forceful with him that he didn’t tell anyone. Or was she that forceful because Stevie already knew?

I like Stevie’s character because she thinks she knows everything. She thinks she has everything figured out, but she’s completely lost. You would think her mother’s confession would make her more lost, but I think it makes her believe she knows everything even more. I think this leaves a lot of room for growth for her character and she will test Elizabeth and Henry a lot too.

Daisy was only marrying Wynn out of fear and it’s probably a good thing that he found out about Daisy and Matt, maybe not in the way that he did though. She would have married him and ruined both their lives. But what’s next for these too? Late nights working and hooking up may have worked for fun, but can they sustain a functional relationship? And is it too soon to bring them together?

Next week Elizabeth’s investigation into Marsh’s death heats up when she takes on the White House. Check out the preview:

Bones Season 10 Episode 8

Daisy goes into labor while working on the case.

Daisy goes into labor while working on the case.

Sweet’s little boy is here and I couldn’t have imagined a better way for him to be introduced. First by deciding he was coming in the middle of a case and second with all of his family by Daisy’s side. It was a wonderful moment. To top it off he was named Seeley.

Who knew a painkiller could be solving the case. Birthing never seems to be normal on ‘Bones’.

This was a very interesting case. There was no way of knowing who the murderer was. There was so many people who could have done it, but without knowing he had son from the beginning, there was nothing to suggest a relative killed him.

There was so much heart in the case as well. It was heartbreaking to find out that victim had Alzheimer’s. Even more so to find out his son killed him. Not because he was killed by his son, but because he didn’t know he had a son. He was just so confused.

A lot of these cases end out being accidents. They never mean to kill the victim, it just happens and then they panic.

Once again Aubrey is proving to be a great character. He doesn’t usually get forceful with Booth and I knew why he was doing it. He was protecting Booth from his gambling addiction. It was nice that he was looking out for Booth. And I like that he read Sweets notes. I just like that Sweet’s spirit lives on. But if Aubrey is going to get to know Booth, no better way than reading Sweet’s notes.

‘Bones’ will be back on December 4 and the squints will be searching for the remains to solve the case. Check out the preview:

Grey’s Anatomy Season 11 Winter Finale

Meredith watching Derek walk away.

Meredith watching Derek walk away.

It’s every girl’s dream to have their guy choose them, except Meredith. She told him to go. She wanted him to go. Derek has become intolerable since he turned down the President. Nothing Meredith does is right and he’s just down right getting on my nerves. Which is probably why when I read that Patrick Dempsey would be leaving the show, I wasn’t too upset about it.

But what will Meredith feel like after he’s really gone? She’s wanted him to go and never wanted him to stay. I can see why. He’s resented her ever since. ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ will go on fine without Derek. Is it bad that I’m so fine with him leaving? What can I say I chose Meredith’s side and I don’t think the hospital is big enough for two Dr. Shepherds.

I knew that one of the Shepherds could remove Dr. Herman’s tumor and I’m so glad it’s Amelia. Will Dr. Herman let her try? She seems pretty content on dying.

Stephanie had all the best of intentions when she didn’t tell April there was something wrong with her baby. But Stephanie wasn’t even sure if she was right. Then she tried to find out if anything could be done. But when was she going to tell April and Jackson?

How can April carry the baby to term if the baby doesn’t even have chance at a life. The ‘Grey’s’ writers sure know how to pull at our heart strings and they are going to make us wait till January 29 to find out what April and Jackson will do.

There was two good things that happened on the Winter Finale. Amelia told Owen if he needed people, she was there and Maggie is seeking advice from Richard. Hopefully this will open the door for Richard to have a relationship with his daughter.

It’s going to be a long holiday season while we wait for ‘Grey’s Anatomy”s return. We don’t even have a promo to keep us warm.

The Vampire Dairies Season 6 Episode 8

Is there hope for Elena and Damon?

Is there hope for Elena and Damon?

I’ve been waiting for a true enemy this season and Kai is it. I’m assuming he will get out and will try to take over the coven.

If Kai took Jo’s magic in the prism, is there any left in the real world? Isn’t there anyway to get Bonnie out without getting Kai out? Damon made it out? How will they get her out? At first I was sure she would get out, seeing as everyone is on the case now, but Kai left her very far away from Mystic Falls. I’m assuming she can’t get back from there.

When Elena had some of her compulsion washed away, some of her feelings came back, even if it was just a tiny bit. Could these two still find their way back together?

I’m not sure if Caroline and Stefan will find their way now. He apologized, which is a start, but there’s no chemistry between these two like there use to be. Now it’s all so awkward.

I’m still getting use to Tyler being human again. He’s just so different. At first he was a little like his old self, but now he’s a whole new him. And he’s bringing out the good in Liv. She always seemed so bitchy, and she is, but now there’s a reason for it.

When Liv and Luke first came to Mystic Falls, I wasn’t so sure about these two. I wasn’t really a fan of the whole traveller storyline, but these two have become much more interesting now. Was this all the plan from the start? How long can Liv hide out in Mystic Falls before her coven comes for her?

How will Jeremy react to the news of Bonnie being alive? There’s hope to get her out, but it’s not a done deal yet. There’s still the risk of Kai releasing hell on earth and figuring out how to get her out and leave him behind.

So why did Grams trap Bonnie in this world? Yes she can get out, her blood is the key. But why would Grams risk unleashing Kai?

I hope your Thanksgiving is better than the one Caroline hosted. ‘The Vampire Diaries’ will take a break for Thanksgiving and will be back December 4 with Damon trying to rescue Bonnie. Check out the preview:

Chicago PD Season 2 Episode 8

Erin and Jay undercover at the sex club.

Erin and Jay undercover at the sex club.

It’s this kind of stuff that gets people mad at how corrupt the police are, but Antonio is a good man and didn’t deserve to lose his job. I love how the Intelligence unit protect each other and take care of each other. I can see why Erin is having such a hard time deciding to take the task force job. Where else than Voight’s team will Erin be so well protected? It’s a family.

Will Erin take this great opportunity? Personally I would say it’s a no brainer, take the job. But that would mean Erin would be leaving the Chicago PD and I don’t want that. She’s the reason I started watching the show and she’s a great part of the cast.

I really enjoy anytime Erin and Jay partner up together and I’m still waiting for these two to get together. There hasn’t been much happening between these two since Voight said no in house relationships. If only Erin could defy Voight.

Is this the last we will see of Layla? It seems pretty convincing that she was behind her husband’s murder. They usually don’t get away, but she’s flying away into the sunshine.

The detectives are taking a little bit of a break over Thanksgiving and will be back December 10 fighting to get a lethal drug off the street. Check out the preview: