‘The Whispers’ Review: Faux Meltdown

Henry was having his own little Goonies adventure.

Henry was having his own little Goonies adventure.

This was the most exciting episode of The Whispers yet. With one boy already killed with Drill’s games, I was getting very worried that Henry was going to be next. I was more worried about Henry being put right in the middle of it than I was about the people in the four mile radius that would be affected if their was a meltdown.

The kids are really stars in this show. They know more about what’s going on than the grown ups do and they are so loyal to Drill that they won’t let their parents in on the secret.

Minx and Henry were so cute together. These kids are both very smart. Henry didn’t want to play the game. He thought it wasn’t a good idea, he didn’t want to get in trouble and he was suspicious of why Drill didn’t ask him to play. All of that was out weighed by his desire to see his father again, but can you blame the boy?

Minx is a little too clever for her own good. She cut herself to distract Henry’s grandmother and ran out the door just as she was going to have to start answering questions. Plus she already knows that parents don’t have all the answers, even though they think they do. She’s going to be a handful when she gets older.

In the end her faith in Drill was justified. Drill said if everyone did what they were supposed to do, that everyone would win.

I absolutely loved the music that was playing in the background when Henry was on his journey. It gave his scenes a Goonies feel to it. He was going on his very own adventure and the treasure was his father.

And I’m finally getting use to Barry Sloan’s American accent. That only took four episodes.

Is it wrong of me to like that there is still feelings between Claire and Wes? It’s absolutely wrong that they both cheated on their spouses, but I really like these two. There have a chemistry together that I like.

Wes hinted earlier that there was something real between them and this week we can see that those feelings are still there. He broke down when he thought Claire was killed in the meltdown. Claire was also saying her goodbyes to him and apologizing.

It’s unclear if Drill wanted those feelings to rise to the surface again. Drill must have known Claire was going to go into the plant after her son.

Drill did make things difficult for Lena and Wes when Minx went over to see Henry to tell him to play the game to get his father back. Lena doesn’t believe that Minx ever left the house. Claire wouldn’t lie, but if Wes defends Claire, he’ll be in the dog house again. Not that he’s truly gotten out of the dog house yet.

Sean may not remember who he is, but there’s still a spark of him left. He told Maria to shoot him if he did something bad. He’s starting to fight whatever has taken over his body. Sadly he didn’t seem to remember his wife and kid.

What one earth happened to that smoke at the end? It evaporated and nothing was contaminated. In the end it was a lot of chaos for nothing. What was the point? What is Drill trying to do?

I knew this wasn’t Drill’s endgame. It’s too early on to be the endgame. But what was the point?

Will we get to meet Drill next week. He’s coming. Take a look at the promo:

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‘The Whispers’ Review: On a Collision Course

Henry got his hearing back, now he wants his father back, what will he have to do in return?

Henry got his hearing back, now he wants his father back, what will he have to do in return?

We might have more of an idea of what Drill’s plan is, or at least part of his plan.

It seemed that Drill was picking very well placed children with parents in particular positions, but that only seems part of it. I said last week about how the parents have personal problems that they are dealing with, but that seems to make them prime targets for Drill to prey on.

Henry was begging Drill to find his father at the end and said he would do anything, so Drill answered. Though we don’t know what his mission will be.

Harper had a similar situation. She did what Drill told her, so she could get her mother back, though Drill made Harper put her mother in that state. She sent a text message on her father’s phone and then threw it in the biohazard bin.

It was unclear where Harper’s parents fit into this whole thing, but Wes figured it out.

He said to find out where someone is going, you have to find out where they’ve been. So he started with the explosion at Westing Industrial. The video proved that David Miller was a target, but why? He was trying to send an email to the Head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Harper’s father, Harrison. The email never got to Harrison tough. Wes’ agents couldn’t decrypt the email, but they could get the attachment, a picture of damaged cooling pipes. Only they didn’t know what it was at the time. Apparently the tech was going to report it to Harrison, but then Jackson Bellings detonated a bomb in his building. Harrison’s annual safety inspection was cut short because his wife was in an accident.

So finally things are tying together. When Claire and Wes shared their information, they discovered another connection, Minx was talking to Drill too.

They were able to find out which Nuclear Power Plant Sean was headed to.

That can’t be Drill’s whole plan though, since we’ve discovered it in the third episode. This must be the start of the plan. And Drill is continuing to add to his children army. He even got another kid to hurt the therapist that told Minx that Drill wasn’t real.

I want to know more about what happened to Sean. He left right after he found out about Claire’s affair. He volunteered for the mission and just left. Wes heard the recording of when he crashed, but what happened to him in the crash? He can communicate with Drill too and it appeared before that only children could communicate with him. He doesn’t remember who he is, but there is something driving him forward to complete Drill’s mission. He just seems to know where he’s supposed to be. What happened to him in that crash?

This enemy is going to be hard to defeat. The children are right in the middle of all the chaos. Take a look at the promo for next week:

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‘The Whispers’ Review: Seeking Drill

What will Harper have to do next to save her mom?

What will Harper have to do next to save her mom?

It’s still unclear exactly what Drill is, but he’s certainly getting scarier as we get to know him. I mean he has the ability to bring back Harper’s mom, if he chooses too. She just has to win the game first.

Should Harper trust Drill? Or is she just a means to an end? Claire desperately tried get Harper to tell her about Drill and if her husband is Drill, but Claire has an ulterior motive. She better be careful, I don’t think her partner, Jessup, is going to be so willing to help her.

Claire saw Sean. She looked right at him and then when Wes asked if it was him, she said she didn’t get a good look. She definitely got a good look, but he may not have the same look in his eyes that she’s use to. He’s been through a lot, and we don’t even know the half of it. What we do know is that his plane crashed, in a crash he shouldn’t have survived, and somehow he made it all the way back home. But who is he now?

He doesn’t remember his name, but his amnesia seems to be a little like Jason Bourne’s amnesia. He doesn’t remember his family or who is, but his training is still shining through. He knows to get rid of a sim card after using a phone and he had a change of clothes stored in the woods. He’s clearly not out of it like he appeared to be in the hospital last week, but what is he doing?

He’s got a storage unit of newspaper clippings and clues about all of the events going on. He’s also got multiple tattoos of clues too. In the shower he had some sort of episode where he remembered something or something came to him. He passed out and when he woke up, he drew a symbol on the floor. Then he got it tattooed to him. But what does it all mean?

Wes is so desperately trying to solve the case, tread lightly where Claire is concerned and patch up his marriage. He’s not doing well at any of them.

Drill has picked some smart kids with some very well placed parents, but their parents are all preoccupied with their personal lives. That makes them very easy targets.

Take a look at the promo for next week:

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‘The Whispers’ Eases Us in and Leaves Us Wanting Answers

2hx7kw9trffd4zm9vnxtub0jzcluslym-sjoku3hjjaopyetiwwlpuj-hlul1p-8glfib2rz8z0eoik346cc_yjghq7i9p-bezdnps7hm7yrkaf91hcwfpy1ie4cjvb7ekqu1j4tqz5o6zr018nhrqsdnrf7dgjnqsdxkungnvmyqy1t4xjr159hrfOther than looking forward to seeing Barry Sloane and Milo Ventimiglia, I wasn’t sure what to expect from ‘The Whispers’. The premiere eased us in and left us with a lot of questions in the end.

It will take some getting use to Barry’s American accent in this show, but his character’s journey looks to be very interesting. Most of the characters seem to have gone through some sort of turmoil and now they have to deal Drill, their kids imaginary friend, who isn’t actually imaginary.

Wes (Barry) is away from his family investigating a plane crash in Africa. The plane just so happens to belong to the husband of the F.B.I. agent he was having an affair with. They thought Sean (Milo) was dead. Claire (Lily Rabe) is just starting to get her footing back after losing her husband and now she finds out he’s missing. She’s also just started a very unusual case. 

If the opening five minutes says anything about the show, we’re in for a strange ride. A young girl almost kills her mother and she just thought it was a game. She tells Agent Claire that Drill was talking about domination. At this point everyone just assumes Drill is imaginary, but Claire figures out he’s real. But she assumes he’s just a man. There was another case involving the imaginary friend Drill, but in that case the boy died. The mother remembered seeing a man before it happened. A sketch artist was called and what she came up with was Claire’s missing husband. So what does Sean and Drill have to do with each other?

Sean has no idea where he is or who he is. He doesn’t stick around the hospital to get any answers either. He survived a plane crash he should never have survived and he’s been missing for three months, but everyone thought he was dead.

All of the main children talk to Drill at some point during the premiere. They all have different roles to play. One child was even given his hearing back.

What is Drill after? From the first girl’s conversation with Claire, it seems like they want to conquer the planet. This doesn’t seem like any sci-fi show we’ve seen before.

Here’s what’s to come this season:

‘The Whispers’ Premieres June 1

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It’s been a year since Barry Sloane left ‘Revenge’ and I was devastated that the writers killed him off. I wanted Emily to end up with Aiden. I was feeling better when I saw Barry would be back on TV soon enough. I wasn’t expecting to wait a whole year though.

Barry isn’t the only one I’m looking forward to seeing in ‘The Whispers’. I’m looking forward to seeing Milo Ventimiglia. He just guest starred as a villain on ‘Gotham’, which renewed my love for the actor. I first saw him on ‘Gilmore Girls’ as Jess and he was more than just a bad boy. He was a very interesting character, much more interesting than Dean. Sure Dean was the perfect first boyfriend, but he was kind of dull. Jess kept us on our toes.

I also really enjoyed Milo in ‘Heroes’. While I would love to see him return to his character, Peter Petrelli, I’m looking forward to seeing him tackling a new role.

Barry will be back to investigating, but this time he’ll be doing legitimately as a Defense Department operative. He’ll be playing Wes Lawrence, who has close ties to the President. The ABC website said of his character: “Wes must navigate the murky, dirty battlefield of politics in order to fight back against the Enemy.”

Milo will be playing a particularly interesting character, a John Doe, whose real name is Sean Bennigan. He wakes up close to death in a remote village in the African desert. He manages to use his animal instincts to get himself back to D.C., but he becomes the target of a manhunt. He believes that something or someone is waiting for him.

Milo’s character is right, someone is waiting for him in D.C., his wife. Lily Rabe play’s Sean’s wife, Claire. She’s desperately searching for answers to what happened to her husband, who is assumed dead in a plane crash. She’s also an F.B.I. agent investigating the aliens. She discovers that her son is talking to them too.

‘The Whispers’ also stars Derek Webster, Kristen Connolly, Kylie Rogers and Kyle Harrison Breitkopf.

Aliens have been done so many times, but we still search for new takes on what lives beyond our planet. This time the aliens are getting at us through our children. It’s an interesting approach. Children are more open minded, so I can see the appeal of making contact through the children. But are these aliens a threat? Most stories make them a threat. What do they want? All these questions will start to be answered on Monday, June 1 at 10/9c.

Take a look at the promo:

And check out the first five minutes of ‘The Whispers’:

Barry Sloane Leaves The Hamptons for ABC’s ‘The Whispers’

LOGO_Whispers-onairWe may not be seeing Aiden in The Hamptons next season, but that doesn’t mean we’ve lost Barry Sloane for good. He’s been cast in ABC’s new show ‘The Whispers’.

Barry, 33, will be taking his investigative skills over to a new show to play a defense detective investigator. He won’t be dealing with socialites or revenge anymore, now he’ll be dealing with aliens.

There are so many shows and films about aliens, but in this new drama, when the aliens invade earth they seek help from children. The kids are more than happy to help, not knowing who these unseen enemies are.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Barry will play a former FBI agent, Wes Lawrence, now working with special projects for the Defense Department division. He investigates military threats that are not made public. Wes is sent to investigate in the Algerian desert where he finds out we are not alone. He will have to deal with politics to get the world to take action.

The English actor will be joining Lily Rabe (‘All Good Things’, ‘American Horror Story’), Milo Ventimiglia (‘Heroes’, ‘Gilmore Girls’), Derek Webster (‘Stargate’, ‘Independence Day’), Brianna Brown (‘Knocked Up’, ‘General Hospital’), Catalina Denis (‘Brick Mansions’, ‘Sleepless Night’), Kylie Rogers (‘Space Station 76’) and Kyle Harrison Breitkopf (‘Catch a Christmas Star’).

Unfortunately it will be a while before we see Barry again, the new series, ‘The Whispers’, won’t be premiering till midseason.

‘The Whispers’ was originally titled ‘The Visitors’. Check out the trailer: