‘The Whispers’ Review: Is Drill Really in Minx?

Do we really believe Minx is Drill?

Do we really believe Minx is Drill?

I had a really bad feeling that Drill would end up in either Minx or Henry, but I don’t believe Drill is in Minx. If Silas was so afraid to tell Claire in the room who Drill was, why tell her when Drill is right there.

I thought Silas might be Drill after Maria was looking at the slides and he was the last kid she check out. Henry seemed a little suspicious with his mom and so did Minx, but she’s been known to be sassy like that, especially with Claire.

Silas was acting pretty suspicious too. He could really be scared, or it could just be Drill playing more games. You know how he likes his games.

Wes really should have been taken off the investigation or at least as point person after Lena died. I understand he wants to fight and protect the children, but he just made things so much worse.

Now fingers are being pointed at his daughter and Formmer won’t think twice about executing his daughter. They need to be absolutely sure before they take out a child or let the other children leave.

Wes’s idea wasn’t completely bad. Testing them and finding out as much as they can about the children was a good idea, but he didn’t execute it well. What did he think was going to happen? Of course parents were going to be outraged.

His actions forced Drill to take a child. They were hoping never to get to that point, but maybe it was always going to go that way. Maybe there is no other way to destroy him.

Maria knew who Drill was and she was killed because of it. She was just on the edge of telling us what she saw in the scans and who Drill was and Drill took her out.

What can Drill do now that he’s in a child? He never got the chance last time. Should we be seriously worried?

I had a feeling that mystery guy was a reporter. I don’t know if he should write his story just yet. That would cause a wide panic. Anything that has to do with children can cause panic. And now things are worse because the kids are trapped with Drill. I don’t care what the kids say, I don’t believe we know who Drill really is yet.

I’m a little nervous about the next part of The Whispers. Killing kids because they are possessed is very touchy. You really have to do it right. The writers really have to be careful with how they play this out. Can there still be another way to kill Drill? If they discover Drill is really in Minx or Henry, I think they might try to find another way.

There’s only two more episodes of the season. How close will they get to Drill.

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