‘The Whispers’ Review: Whatever it Takes to Defeat the Enemy

Maybe Wes and Sean can actually work together to defeat Drill now.

Maybe Wes and Sean can actually work together to defeat Drill now.

Sean and Claire are on the run now and they didn’t even kill Drill. Hopefully they at least stopped Drill from contacting home.

The Whispers is turning into a very exciting show. The government is doing what you’d expect it to do, want to study the UFO, even when they know it’s dangerous. I really don’t like the defense secretary.  He blackmailed Sean into being their guinea pig. Sean was in a very bad accident and his memory was wiped and he was forced to do things. He shouldn’t go to prison for that. He was debriefed and now he should go home. And I especially don’t like that he’s taking Sean and Claire’s son into custody. They were just protecting the children!

I hate that Claire had to lie to Wes, but I loved the twist. If they would have been on the same team, maybe they could have executed the plan better. Wes keeps saying Sean has been through a trauma, which is true, but he’s also a soldier. So he is thinking actionably about what he learned and went through. In the end Wes chose to follow Sean’s plan and even got them out of there before reinforcements came in. This isn’t going to be an easy mess to clean up and it’s even worse that they didn’t actually destroy Drill. Not that we expected Drill to be killed so early on.

But now Lena is going to make a deal with Drill. She should be careful. When the kids do something Drill asks they can get away with it, but she could have some serious consequences depending on what Drill wants from her. But I think she would do anything to protect her daughter.

The episode really got exciting when you realized Drill targeted the first daughter. Now there’s a really well connected child. It was a little of a let down when the only thing Drill wanted from the President was to find out where his rock was. You would expect if he’s going to get that close to the most important person in the country, it would be for something big.

I did like how Wes was able to figure out that Drill had gotten to the President. That silly doll connected the dots.

Next week Lena may be crossing a line to protect her daughter.

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