Private Practice Season 6 Episode 12

484905_10151154257362123_861895285_nAnother tearful episode from Private Practice, but this one was a happy one.

Charlotte gave birth to the other two girls. And for a change there wasn’t too many complications. Well, considering she’s been on bed rest for months and her first girl has been in the NICU, the final stage went pretty smoothly.

We had a little scare that Addison might lose Henry. I was thinking, no you can’t do this to Addison. She’s been wanting a baby for so long. It’s just no way for Private Practice to end.

Then it was Jake to the rescue. He really stated his case, but when he said he would leave her so she could keep Henry, it just melted my heart. There was still a little part of me that wanted Addison to end up with Sam. They were my favorite couple of the show, now it’s Charlotte and Cooper. But Jake is perfect for her. The writers got it right.

Only one more episode left and there are wedding bells for Addison and Jake. One more wedding before we say goodbye. I can’t help but think there’s so much unfinished business.

Amelia’s story has wrapped up nicely, Charlotte and Cooper are good, but I don’t feel like Sam, Sheldon or Violet are complete yet. There’s still one more episode to tie everything up.

I am looking for a very good sereis finally next week. The last two series finales I watched, Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill, were amazing. They wrapped up the story nicely and they ended it well for the fans. So I have very high expectations and it will be a lot for Private Practice to live up to.

I’m excited but sad to watch the final episode.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.

Also check out the Private Practice section.

Watch a couple of clips of the episode on TV Line.

My Favorite Private Practice Episodes Number 5

5. God Laughs
Season 5 Episode 1

When we left off in season 4 Pete was having a heart attach and Violet was heading to New York for her book tour. When we return for season 5 we pick up right where we left off.

Cooper might not have been able to save Violet, but he saved Pete twice.

When the doctors are in the waiting room it makes for a good episode. They are not use to this and it makes them all vulnerable. Sheldon and Cooper switched seats. Cooper wanted to sit where Sheldon was because that’s where he was when Violet was in surgery and Sheldon said he was sitting there when Dell died, so thought he should move too. They are doctors and rely on medicine to save their patients, but when it comes to one of their own, medicine gets thrown out and they become human.

At the beginning and end of the episode Addison is talking to her therapist. This is the way every episode is laid out season 5. I really liked this change to the sereis. She spoke about something that related to the episode. “You plan and god laughs.” All the characters make plans, but it doesn’t turn out the way they planned. Addison wants a baby but ended up back with Sam, even though he doesn’t want a baby. Violet tries to get away but gets dragged back. And Amelia is going down a very dark path. No ones plans are working out. Life just happens.

Here’s a clip of God Laughs:

My Favorite Private Practice Episodes Number 6

6. The Way We Were
Season 3 Episode 2

Everything is a mess. Violet is not adjusting well to motherhood and she’s not dealing with her attack very well. Naomi took a job down stairs, Sheldon is desperate to know Lucas, Cooper won’t go see Violet and Addison is very, very sad.

Violet is the biggest mess of the episode. She’s hiding in the closet when someone comes to the door and she feels nothing when she looks at her own son. She’s a shrink, so she knows exactly what is wrong with her, but that doesn’t help her get any better. She gives up her own son, she is that big of a mess. The scene where she hands Lucas over to Pete is so powerful. It’s breaking her heart to give Lucas up, but she is in no state to take care of him. You can tell how hard it was for her to come to this decision. Not to mention she hadn’t been out of the house since she went home.

Cooper is almost as big as a mess as Violet. He blames himself for not being able to save Violet and he won’t go see her or get his stuff from her house. He’s not even shaving. He looks as big of mess as he is.

Addison and Naomi aren’t talking and when they are it’s about shoes. It breaks my heart to see these two like this. It’s worse than them fighting because they aren’t saying anything.

It’s such a hard situation that Sheldon and Pete don’t know who the father is. Pete is the acting father and Sheldon can’t even get in to see the baby.

It’s a sad episode, but a good one.

Pictures from the episode:

Also check out My Favorite Private Practice Episodes: Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10

Check out the Private Practice section.

My Favorite Private Practice Episodes Number 7

7. Something Old, Something New
Season 4 Episode 20 

Private Practice can’t just have a typical wedding episode, can they? Pete and Violet’s wedding was rushed and Maya’s wedding was unwanted. Why should Cooper and Charlotte’s be any different.

Wedding’s are supposed to be happy right? This one was anything but. Violet was under investigation for her book and while they were looking at her, they started looking at the whole practice. Addison is trying to think about what is right for the practice, while Cooper and Pete are trying to stick up for Violet. No one is getting along. Not exactly a good atmosphere to have a wedding in.

If that isn’t enough, Cooper and Charlotte’s parents do not want them to get married and try to split them up. Obviously they don’t know much about Charlotte and Cooper, because they are perfect for each other.

The beginning of the episode freaked me out the first time I watched it. Cooper see’s Charlotte in her wedding dress and says that this is a mistake. I thought they were going to break-up, instead they head to Vegas so they can get married with out all the drama and tension. I think that was very good idea. It’s supposed to be the happiest day of their lives and if they went through with their original wedding, it would not have been their perfect day.

Here are some pictures from the episode:

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Also check out My Favorite Private Practice Episodes: Episode 8, Episode 9, Episode 10

Check out the Private Practice section.

My Favorite Private Practice Episodes Number 8

8. Take Two
Season 4 Episode 1

I love season premieres. It’s not the finding out the outcome of cliff hangers that I love about season premieres, it’s the new beginnings. A new storyline. It’s knowing that anything can happen in this season and I’m excited to find out what is in store.

This episode is all about new beginnings. Life after Dell is hard for everyone. They all miss him, but they are living their lives. Violet and Pete are newly back together and decide to get married. They are following in Charlotte and Cooper’s footsteps, but Pete and Violet will tie the knot first. Sam and Addison are also beginning their relationship, but they are keeping it secret from everyone.

This is one time when season premieres can drive me crazy. When we left Sam and Addison in the season three finale Sam and Addison are getting together, but when we see them for the first time in season four it’s very awkward. They give no clue that they are together. We know they slept together, but they give us the impression that it ended there. It isn’t till the very end of the episode that the writers let us in on their secret.

This brings me back around to what I like about season premieres. In season four we got to experience Sam and Addison finally together. The episode also set up the second changes for Violet and Pete and Charlotte and Cooper.

Here are a couple of clips from the episode:

Also check out My Favorite Episodes Number 9 and Number 10.

Check out the Private Practice section of Primetime Addiction.

Private Practice Season 6 Episode 11

484905_10151154257362123_861895285_nWe’ve hardly seen Amelia all season and in one episode we get her for the majority of the hour. She’s popped up here and there talking to the other characters, but other than a little flirtation with James, she hasn’t had her own storyline this season. Amelia had such a big storyline last season with the intervention, her boyfriend overdosing and her delivering a baby with no brain. She went from really intense to hardly there.

Her storyline for this season is moving on. This episode fills in the gaps and expands on what little we already knew about the flourishing James and Amelia relationship.

At the beginning of the episode Amelia was at a meeting talking about how good she is. She kept saying she was good like she was trying to convince herself, but instead she was lonely and miserable. She has a new apartment, but hasn’t unpacked or bought any food and just sits on the couch watching TV and eating junk food. So the ladies in the office decide to set her up on dates and they were all horrible.

The watching TV came in handy though. Amelia was watching an informercial about a french fries cutter. She remembered Jake saying ‘good fries are hard to come by’. James had said he went to a place every Friday that had good fries. It just so happened to be Friday. Amelia went. This part we knew already, we just didn’t know what made her go.

The relationship blossomed slowly, but by the end of the episode they were in love. A very light hearted storyline for Amelia for change.

Only two more episodes left. I hope we get to see more of the doctors in the last two episodes. I miss all the other doctors.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.

Also check out other Private Practice blogs: Episode 10, Episode 9, Episode 8.

Relive great Private Practice episodes in the special ‘My Favorite Episodes’ Number 9, Number 10.

Check out the Private Practice section.

My Favorite Private Practice Episodes Number 9

9. The End of a Beautiful Friendship 
Season 3 Episode 23

The doctors of Private Practice spent this episode in the waiting room. Doctors are no good being on the other side of things. They prefer to be hands on, but only Addison and Amelia could be the saviors in this episodes, or well at least try to be saviors.

Maya and Dell were in a car accident and Maya had broken her spine and was in labor. Sam just happened to be operating on the driver who caused the accident.  Sam was unaware of what was going on with his daughter. Pete kept trying to pull Sam out of the operating room but he was in the middle of surgery. Eventually Sam found a pausing point and Pete prepared Sam as best as he could before he told him the news. Without a word Same ran to Maya.

Charlotte had called another heart surgeon and he was on his way, but until then, Sam had to continue operating on the man that hit his daughter. He didn’t know that the man on his table was the man who caused the crash until the anesthesia started wearing off and the man’s hand was moving. The anesthetist informed Sam that the man had a very high alcohol level. It clicked and Sam just stood there. Pete looked Sam in the eyes and lied to him and said that the man that hit Maya died. When Sam found out that Pete lied he punched him.

While all this was going on Dell was in serious condition, but he didn’t say a word and no one asked him because everyone was so worried about Maya. Dell had two brain bleeds. Amelia was able to save Maya, but she wasn’t able to save Dell.

Private Practice is very good with emotions. When Amelia comes out to inform them she doesn’t say a word. Her face and then everyone’s faces tell the story. Then with no sound Pete sits down and tells Betsy. Through this whole scene hardly any words are spoken but your heart breaks.

Through the episode you are on the edge of your seat wondering if Maya will make it through and the baby and then hoping that Dell will pull through. It’s like everything stops when Dell dies. All the emotion is building up over the episode and then the writers tug at your heart when you realize Dell is gone.

Another reason to like this episode: Cooper proposed to Charlotte and lets not forget Sam and Addison finally getting together! Everything that’s great about Private Practice all in one episode.

I found a little video made in tribute to the season three finale by deardiarymoment, enjoy!

Also check out My Favorite Private Practice Episodes Number 10.

Check out the Private Practice section of Primetime Addiction.

My 10 Favorite Private Practice Episodes Number 10

10. Blowups 
Season 3 Episode 10 

The best episodes of Private Practice deal with tragedy and more importantly when tragedy strikes within the characters lives. This episode is where Dell’s wife Heather is cooking meth and the house blows up with their daughter Betsy inside. Betsy got out with only minor injuries, but Heather had very bad burns on her entire body and ends up dying. Dell is so angry with Heather that he doesn’t want Betsy to see her. Pete takes it’s upon himself to take Betsy to see Heather and Dell ends up punching him. Pete was trying to help Dell not have any regrets. Instead, Dell waits too long to see Heather and then it is too late to say goodbye. The writers are really good at tugging at our heart strings and this episode was no exception. It’s painful to watch Dell have to tell his daughter that her mother is gone and have to try to explain why.

This episode also focuses on Addison and her parents affairs. Addison always believed that she got her cheating from her father, but turns out her mother is a cheat too. Her mother has been seeing a women for 20 years and her father has been sleeping with many different women for 40 years, but claims Bizzy is the love of his life. Addison is very screwed up from her parents. She somewhat forgives her mother in the end. They go back to “wasp talk”, which doesn’t really help or fix anything. It just makes things go back to normal.

Between hospital drama and family drama, you’re kept on the edge of your seat and sure to be in tears by the end of the episode.

Private Practice Season 6 Episode 10

484905_10151154257362123_861895285_nCharlotte kept her cool pretty well considering. She has a bad temper at the best of times.

I can’t believe they are going to make us wait to meet the other two girls. The writers are so cruel. We only have three more episodes left to begin with.

Charlotte ran a hospital and disciplined her son all from a bed she was stuck on for weeks. And she didn’t kill anyone either. I think she came close to killing Stephanie and she definitely came close to killing Cooper.

It was great having an episode for each character. There’s so many characters it’s hard to get them all in in one episode. We’re justing missing the Amelia episode now. After her I’d like to get more back to normal before we say goodbye to the doctors. I miss seeing the other characters.

I feel like it’s been forever since we’ve seen Sam, Jake and Addison. They just pop in and pop out just as quickly as we had the Sheldon, Cooper and Charlotte central episodes.

At first I liked the idea of having episodes for each character, but now as the final episode keeps getting closer I’m missing characters. I feel like we’re running out of time with the characters now.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.

Private Practice Season 6 Episode 9

484905_10151154257362123_861895285_nSheldon is my least favorite character, so I wasn’t entirely looking forward to this episode. But I really enjoyed it.

We haven’t seen much about Sheldon’s cancer. This week was the time to explore that. I wish he would just tell everyone. He can’t hide it forever. His co-workers are his friends as well as his colleagues. Maybe telling everyone means admitting that the cancer is real.

I’m not sure how I feel about Sheldon getting involved with a woman who is terminally ill. He’s just asking to get hurt. Does he think he won’t survive the cancer and is just trying to live life to the fullest? I understand that, but he’s going to get hurt.

I really hoped that Sheldon’s patient wasn’t the one who kidnapped the little girl. I would think that it’s very difficult being a doctor and having a patient like that. As a doctor you have to believe in your patient, but I don’t understand the dynamics of having an issue like that. Is it their fault? Is it something they can’t control? I don’t know.

What I do know is that in some way he wanted to tell Sheldon. I think Sheldon is right that he was coming back to the sessions to try to tell him that he had the little girl. He felt guilty. I just think he didn’t know how to deal with it.

I don’t think I even want to know what happened during all that time to the girl. She’s safe now at least. Sheldon was able to figure it out in the end and that’s all that matters. He shouldn’t beat himself up for not figuring it out sooner.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.