Private Practice Season 6 Episode 10

484905_10151154257362123_861895285_nCharlotte kept her cool pretty well considering. She has a bad temper at the best of times.

I can’t believe they are going to make us wait to meet the other two girls. The writers are so cruel. We only have three more episodes left to begin with.

Charlotte ran a hospital and disciplined her son all from a bed she was stuck on for weeks. And she didn’t kill anyone either. I think she came close to killing Stephanie and she definitely came close to killing Cooper.

It was great having an episode for each character. There’s so many characters it’s hard to get them all in in one episode. We’re justing missing the Amelia episode now. After her I’d like to get more back to normal before we say goodbye to the doctors. I miss seeing the other characters.

I feel like it’s been forever since we’ve seen Sam, Jake and Addison. They just pop in and pop out just as quickly as we had the Sheldon, Cooper and Charlotte central episodes.

At first I liked the idea of having episodes for each character, but now as the final episode keeps getting closer I’m missing characters. I feel like we’re running out of time with the characters now.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.

Private Practice Season 6 Episode 9

484905_10151154257362123_861895285_nSheldon is my least favorite character, so I wasn’t entirely looking forward to this episode. But I really enjoyed it.

We haven’t seen much about Sheldon’s cancer. This week was the time to explore that. I wish he would just tell everyone. He can’t hide it forever. His co-workers are his friends as well as his colleagues. Maybe telling everyone means admitting that the cancer is real.

I’m not sure how I feel about Sheldon getting involved with a woman who is terminally ill. He’s just asking to get hurt. Does he think he won’t survive the cancer and is just trying to live life to the fullest? I understand that, but he’s going to get hurt.

I really hoped that Sheldon’s patient wasn’t the one who kidnapped the little girl. I would think that it’s very difficult being a doctor and having a patient like that. As a doctor you have to believe in your patient, but I don’t understand the dynamics of having an issue like that. Is it their fault? Is it something they can’t control? I don’t know.

What I do know is that in some way he wanted to tell Sheldon. I think Sheldon is right that he was coming back to the sessions to try to tell him that he had the little girl. He felt guilty. I just think he didn’t know how to deal with it.

I don’t think I even want to know what happened during all that time to the girl. She’s safe now at least. Sheldon was able to figure it out in the end and that’s all that matters. He shouldn’t beat himself up for not figuring it out sooner.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.

Private Practice Season 6 Episode 8

484905_10151154257362123_861895285_nWe were told that every episode was going to be different and this one definitely was.

Most of the episodes have been revolving around a person or theme and this one was Cooper and the triplets.

Most of this episode was very funny. Cooper was overly excited for the babies and Charlotte was not your typical pregnant woman. She hates everything about pregnancy, but when one of her daughters came, she was a typical mother then.

Cooper and Charlotte even got kicked out of lamaze class, only Charlotte and Cooper.

We basically got to see the whole pregnancy and Cooper walked us all the way through it.

I really like Cooper. He’s like a big kid. He hardly ever has a serious episode. He’s the goofy one and makes us laugh. This episode was so funny. He talked about religion, sex, babies and life. I guess everything that a guy would be thinking about before he becomes a father. He’s already a father, but he never went through the birth part before or the infancy part, so he is dealing with all of these issues now.

The episode wasn’t all funny. The end was very serious. We got to see Cooper in a different light, and he did it well.

The beginning of the episode started with Charlotte going into labor, but then we went back into time to see the pregnancy first before we saw her give birth to one of the triplets.

With this being the final season I am scared of what may happen to Charlotte. Because she decided to hold off giving birth to the other babies she’s at risk of dying. Could the writers kill her in the final season? I hope not. I’ve always loved the Charlotte and Cooper relationship, so I hope they can live happily ever after. Cheesy I know, but that’s what I want.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.

Private Practice Season 6 Episode 7

Two days in a row of new Private Practice episodes, it doesn’t get much better than that.

The writers were very sneaky with this episode. At the very end of Tuesday’s episode Addison proposes to Jake. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been a fan of Sam and Addison and was very upset when she chose Jake.

Before the writers let Jake say yes, they had to get us, the fans, on board with it. Not to say they don’t break up before the end. With six more episodes left anything can still happen.

An episode that got us to know Jake was the perfect way for us to accept Jake and Addison.

We got to see him with his daughter, though he was an idiot and has probably broken their bond and pushed her closer to her professor. We also got to see him let go of his dead wife, which was a very bitter sweet moment.

Before this episode I was still hoping that Addison would end up with Sam in the end, I have now accepted her and Jake.

I have been enjoying the different episodes that the writers have been coming up with, but as we come closer to the end of the series, there definitely needs to be some sort of closure happening. Addison getting engaged is a good start.

Another good start is Amelia moving on. I’m so happy that the writers had James keep pushing for a date. They are so cute together. There’s not a lot of time for this relationship to bloom, but it’s still a good thing.

It’s nice that we got to see the parents of the lost girl again. It looks like it’s about time for them to let go. I hope we get the conclusion of this story, even if it’s a bad one.

As the episodes wind down, the experimentation is good, but we need to wrap up the show properly. Private Practice deserves a proper send of.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.

Private Practice Season 6 Episode 6

Each episode this season has had some sort of theme. The episode has revolved around that person or that theme. This week it was Addison and it was all about babies and adoption.

This was a very stressful episode for Addison. She had to deal with Henry’s birth mother getting in touch, a patient suing her and her mentor dying. I don’t think it gets much worse than that.

The writers of Private Practice know how to pull at your heart strings a little to well.

At the beginning of the episode it seemed like things were going to end horribly for Addison, but things weren’t too bad in the end.

Addison was able to find a way to keep Henry’s mom in his life and she got through to the patient. Her mentor did die in the end, but there wasn’t anything she could do to prevent that. Addison was able to grant her her last wish though.

There was a lot of talk about adoption and what that actually means.

There’s Cooper who was adopted and has no interest in finding his birth mom and Addison’s mentor who was forced to give up her baby. Before her mentor passed away she was able to part one more thing of wisdom to Addison, that Henry has two mothers.

Usually Private Practice would go to the extreme and take Henry away from Addison, but this episode was more subtle. Shonda did warn us that this season would be very different. Every episode has been different just like she promised. I look forward to see what the next episode will be.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.